Let’s Talk About Fame and Misfortune.


“Whoa, hang on, can we talk about how it’s been waaaay over 24 hours since your last post?  Doesn’t your About page say that you post every day?”

So Pink Floyd can go on indefinite hiatus for almost 20 years but I can’t take a sabbath every 11 days?

Okay, let’s talk about the topic at hand.

There’s this guy on YouTube whose name is unpronounceable and unspellable (Mariusz Goli) who can do this thing with a wooden box that most people who know how to play the wooden box don’t know how to do.  Here’s the video (the whole thing is good, but the latter half is when he really gets cookin’):

And then here’s a video of people who got famous by playing the wooden box in a much simpler fashion:

Three chords.  Three chords and these guys got famous.

Now I really dig the Ramones, and I’m glad that they became famous, but why is it that audiences prefer to pay $80 to go see three-chorders (or worse) live and won’t even give magic-fingers a buck when they walk by?  I mean the three-chorders and magic-fingers both look like scary hobos so it’s definitely not image.

To tell you the truth, I don’t know.  I really don’t know how someone so talented could not become famous for their craft.  Even homeless dudes who talk like radio personalities are becoming famous and yet this guy above isn’t.  Maybe in time he will be, but for now the question stands.

Being a rock and roll fan, I’d like to blame the music industry for this, but the music industry has made people in even worse situations famous (look at Eminem).  So what is it?

Is it bad luck?  Maybe.

Is his craft just outdated?  Maybe.

Will he not sell records?  Of course he’ll sell records.  Loads of people out there love classical guitar.  He’d certainly sell more than most new musicians.

Now we can go on about this forever, but we’d still be talking to walls and going nowhere.  What we can do, though, is make this guy go viral so he can at least have a chance.

Give this guy a market!  Listen to his stuff!  Make him famous!  Make the music industry encouraging again.


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